Introducing “Super Focus: Simple Prayer Book for Superheroes with Special Needs.

In 2013 a guy I just met told me that he saw me in a vision writing children’s books. Not long after, a woman I just met gave me one of her children’s books for free at a book fair and encouraged me. And last year for my birthday, a friend of mine told me that God told her to buy me a specific book for my birthday. Guess what? It was a children’s book, but more focused on hearing God’s voice, which is in line with what I am passionate about – PRAYER!

All three of these moments are confirmations for what God has been speaking to my heart for some time now. I am excited to share with you my first ever children’s book, Super Focus. It’s a simple prayer book for kids with special needs and features five young superheroes-in-training, Clarity, Jonah, Ozzie, Samuel, and Jewel who are new to Superpower Boot Camp. This is a place where I, Super Free, train new recruits how to focus through prayer. The kids meet up with me and I teach them how to hone their superpowers and overcome distracting thoughts, frustrations, and stress that many times come to steal their desire to focus.

Come on a new adventure with me and my young superheroes as I train my recruits to become Super Focus. Find out more at and make sure you join the newsletter for updates on the book.

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