I approached her as she was considering if she should purchase/try on a red fiery outfit and I used that opportunity to prophesy. I just felt like God had something to say to her and stepped out by faith. I shared what I felt like God had for her and before I knew it we were having a mini inner healing session in the aisle.
We talked about forgiveness and I prayed a simple prayer with her that she repeated: “Jesus, who do I need to forgive?” I told her that God will show her who/tell her.
She forgave and I could see that she was visibly being touched by God in the process. We also prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His fire.
It was beautiful.
We talked some more and I learned that she is a licensed professional counselor. I shared about how powerful it would be if the Holy Spirit was involved in her therapy sessions and how I used to go to therapy, was suicidal, etc. etc.
I would love to see the Holy Spirit breakthrough medical practices where therapists and doctors are so led by the Spirit of God and can discern the needs of the patients accurately and effectively.
We had a productive conversation and God is good.
I want to encourage you to ask God what He wants you to know when you enter a store. From my experience, He always has something to say. God still speaks today. My prayer is that everyone would experience God’s love and presence.